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Saturday, July 28, 2007

Read It Or Don't - I Don't Care!

Wish I could just start writing about how wonderful everything is, but it's just not. Baby still hasn't come home and today I found out that there have been coyotes in our neighborhood in the past week. And I'm still in my "funk". So, I'm not going to write a big long post, I just needed to put something down so that I can keep writing every day, even if it's just a few lines. I talked to my friend Esther on IM today and she is such a great friend, that she just listened to me whine and offered comfort and understanding. She talked about a lot of different subjects, I think partly to distract my mind from my troubles. I'm very grateful, because it really did help me for a while. I'm trying to hold out hope that my Baby will return safe and sound. I know that many a cat has left home for long periods of time, and then return to their home out of the blue. I truly hope that will be the case with Baby. I know if you're reading this and not an animal lover, you will think I'm just a looney toon being stupid over the loss of an animal. But pets, cats in particular, have a very special significance for me that stems from my childhood. It's not a rational thing, I know that. But I can't help how I feel. I'm not writing this for any readers, I'm writing for my own self today. And I don't care if anyone reads it or not. It's just something I've got to do. So here it is. Take it or leave it, read it or don't. Today I don't care.


Cheryl said...

I can feel your pain. Sorry your having to go through this. When that little buggar comes home (and I hope and pray it does) your just going to have to make it an indoor cat! *big hug Brenda* ~Cheryl

Tricia said...

Oh, I hope your cat comes home. My dogs left for over 12 hours this summer. Bella returned without Max. Our entire family was devistated. We figured he got hurt, she stayed with him all night and finally came home. It was awful. She acted wierd, too. Anyway, that was on a Wed. and on Friday our neighbor about 1 1/2 miles down and off the road said Max had been hanging around his place. We were soooo happy. I will keep you in my prayers. By the way, I am the Good Mail girl with redish brown hair and glasses. I saw that on someone elses post and thought, "oh, that's me~ I'll go tell her." Welcome to Good Mail. (I wish I had sent a b/w picture but oh well. I just joined a few weeks ago)

The Family Jewels said...

Your funk and Baby are in my prayers. I hope that there will be an end to the funk soon and that Baby returns home safely. Jesstyr is my spoiled rotten Husky Chow mix and she is my little girl...luckily she has never roamed...I would be in a very deep funk.

Cheryl ~ ZanyMayd said...

I sure hope Baby returns Safe & Sound very Soon..... I would be worried sick too..... I will keep you in My thoughts & Prayers~

Jean Knee said...

Oh Brenda, I know how you feel. My cat of thirteen years disappeared when we first moved here. we had him the whole time we've been married- he was a present from my hubs