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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tablescape Thursday

Go to Susan's blog at Between Naps on the Porch for more beautiful and creative tablescapes.
Last week I posted pictures of my church's women's group's "Spring Fling" from last year. Today I am showing this year's "Springtime".
This first picture is an overview of the entire room.

We used to always set the long banquet-style table side by side, but lately we've been forming them into a U-shape, so that no one has their back to anyone else when we're seated.
I used white tablecloths, and skirted the inside of the U-shape, then put the centerpieces and decorations along the inside edge of the U.

I used green placemats with wicker "chargers" and pink plates. The green napkins and pink tableware sat in the individual "napkin thingy" holders I made.

All the chairs were covered in white, with alternating pink and green ties. Pink and green tulle, topped by silk ivy made the runners. I used glass cylinder candle holders with green candles, and little votive cups from the 99 Cent Store held miniature bouquets of silk roses and hydrangeas. I made three "scenes" in jars for the centerpieces - each contained a birdhouse, birdnest and a music scroll that had the words "His Eye Is On The Sparrow".

This is a tea cart that sits behind the banquet tables.

The food table had my large decorated-with-bird-things birdcage as the centerpiece, and tall silver buckets of fuschia, green, and white gerbera daisies flanked the ends.

Tomorrow I'll have pics of the cute "nest" things I made, as well as the rest of the yummy food the ladies made, on Foodie Friday. Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...


Kathy said...

Beautiful setting B, I like the U shape and the lovely colour combinations, the tea cart too. Happy TT, Kathy.

Anonymous said...

I really love the colors and all the little touches! The u shaped idea is wonderful! How fun to have an event like this!

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Very festive! I love the colors! The U shape is a great idea. I hate being in a group and not feeling like I got to visit with everyone!...Debbie

Kathy's Red Door Welcome said...

I adore pink and green together. Your table looks ready to party down! Thanks for sharing.

Deb said...

I think it's lovely! I know that everyone enjoyed sitting down to a beautiful table. Deb

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

So pretty! I bet a good time was had by all!

xinex said...

The table is so beautiful and so elegant!...Christine

Dream Mom said...

Very pretty. Loved the color combination. I loved the ties on the chair-they really popped! The tulle was pretty as a runner too. Great job!

Dream Mom said...
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Kathy said...

What a beautiful setting for a ladies event!

Karen at Nittany Inspirations said...

This looks like a wonderful event. You ladies did a wonderful job. You set the bar high for next year.

Domestic Designer said...

You did a wonderful job! I love the bright colors! Have a great day!

Brenda said...

That is so beautiful, Brenda. I bet the ladies look so forward to these get-togethers and probably don't want to mess up anything because it's so gorgeous!

Unknown said...

Spring fling it is! It looks wonderful and I like the U shape idea!

Ldy ~~ Dy said...

Such a lovely banquet table! A wonderful setting to mingle and fellowship!

Bo said...

Hi B...This is a gorgeous spring fling...such attention to detail...
everything is so elegant...love it! ;-) Bo

"Blossom" said...

Just stunning; my grand daughte would just go crazy over this tablescape.

a quiet life said...

love pink and green!

Candy said...

What a lovely banquet.
Blessings, Candy

Sue said...

Wow, what a lot of thought and creativity you put into your beautiful tablescape. Can I join your Church? Great job using the U shape to promote conversation.

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hello B...

Ohhh my...what a beautiful job you did with your church banquet!!! It's all soooo pretty...love the pretty pink and green together!!! I just adore all of your table decorations...what a special banquet! I'm sure all of your people just had a great time!!! I pastored a church many years ago (for about 15 yrs.)...I got in on a few of those banquets too! hehe! But they were always so much fun and great fellowship!

Warmest wishes,

Alisa Lucas-Brown said...

This is so pretty! I hope you all had a wonderful time! I love pink and green together!
Happy Spring!
Alisa :-)

Unknown said...

Wow B, that's a production and you pulled it all together beautifully. I know everyone was thrilled!
Happy Twirls,

Mari @ Once Upon a Plate said...

That has to be one of the prettiest banquet setting ever! Thank you for sharing. :)

Anonymous said...

Love the colors - very pretty!

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

I love pink & green together. Tablescape turned out great!

Cass @ That Old House said...

Pink and green are sooooo lovely together -- your group did a wonderful job with this gathering. Lovely! Cass

Mary said...

Oh, how pretty! It must have been a tremendous amount of work, but it looks divine!

Nancy said...

Great job, B. I'll bet the women loved it and what a great nesting theme. Did you have a budget? or do you do this on your own. I'm always decorating for my church and the women never want to spend any $. Get's challenging after a while. Thanks for the ideas. Have a wonderful week. :)Nancy

j said...

Brenda it is stunning! You all did a wonderful job and it does indeed look Springy!!

Cheryl said...

Happy Easter~