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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tablescape Thursday

Today I am posting pictures from last year's "Spring Fling", our women's group from church.

I made these "napkin thingys" out of scrapbook paper. I found the pattern online, and cut them all out, made the little bows. I had found a stamp at Michael's in their Dollar Bins that said Spring Fling, so I stamped it onto the green round and glued them to the fronts.

I got these topiaries at Joann's after Easter for 60% off. They had purple eggs, so I painted them pink and added in some pink and green flowers to match the color scheme.

I bought these boxes at the 99 Cent Store, wrapped them in decorative paper and glued them on top of each other with ribbon and a little bird's nest at the top. They flanked the food table.

Here's the buffet table:

I also made this cute little cake with a bird's nest on top:

This coming Saturday, our women's group is having a "Springtime" Brunch, again with a pink & green color scheme. However, the tablescapes and other decor will be quite different, so I'll post it next week for Tablescape Thursday.
For more yummy tablescapes, be sure to stop by Susan's, at Between Naps On The Porch.


Anonymous said...


Dream Mom said...

Everything looks really pretty! Great job!

Kathy's Red Door Welcome said...

I just love pink and green together and aren't you clever!

xinex said...

Sooooo pretty! Love the pink and greent together and all your creations!...Christine

Deb said...

This is so beautiful. I love the colors and the boxes and napkins and untensil holders are fantastic! Deb

Kathy said...

Pink and Green are so pretty together I love all your accessories, Kathy.

Domestic Designer said...

Beautiful Job! I love the colors you used. Have a wonderful day!

Brenda said...

My, Brenda, I know I've told you this before, but you definitely have a wonderful talent.
I love the topiary.
the other Brenda

Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer said...

Very pretty table and decor!

Candy said...

Bright cheery table. Wonderful colors pop on your table.
Ta-Ta, Candy

Martha said...

Really pretty and the pink and green is a great combination

Diana LaMarre said...

What unique utensil holders! The whole table is so springy and pretty.

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Beautiful Spring tablescape! Love the colors!!!...Debbie

Unknown said...

You did an amazing job! Every detail was superb! I love the topiary. That is the great thing about Joanne's, they give you great discounts!

The Raggedy Girl said...

Beautiful color choice and your guests will really love the care you put into your beautiful table.

Have a Thankful Thursday
from the Raggedy Roberta Anne

Kathleen Ellis said...

Hi Brenda!
I love pink and green, too! You made some lovely creations for this tablescape...very clever! I especially like those boxes you wrapped and the utensil/napkin holders...very pretty!
Happy Spring!

Scribbler said...

So creative and clever!


LauraBo said...

your amazing and so creative! looks great.

honeysuckle said...

It is all so pretty in pink and green. The thingy's were so creative too. It looks like a fun time for the women. Thanks for sharing!

Jewel Sauls said...

I love pink and green! This is all so lovely! :D Jewel

Cass @ That Old House said...

Love the pink & green. It's a great accomplishment to make such a big table so beautiful. Excellent job!

Everything went together so well... just lovely. Thanks! Cass

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

Everything looks so beautiful. I love it!!!

Decor To Adore said...

What a pretty tablescape!

French Cupboard said...

Everything went really well together. The table settings and other decorations really set the tone so I can assume the "Spring Fling" was a great time. Can't wait to see the set up of the next church party.

-Steve-French Cupboard

Sue said...

Hi Brenda....what a cute idea gift wrapping boxes as a centerpiece...very pretty, I love the pink and green...

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh you did such a great job. The whole thing is just stunning. I love the napkin holders and the boxes and all of the decorations. Just gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

JudyBug said...

Beautiful table! I love the gift boxes. What a cute idea.


Linda in AZ * said...

**** SOOOOO pretty! And how can one NOT simply ADOOOOORE pink & green together? YUMMY!!! Thanks! Linda ***

annie said...

The napkin holders are so cute!
A great idea for a party too.
Pink and green are pretty together.

Lady Katherine said...

I love this, all the work you put into it! Just simply lovely!
I also love your header! The stemware do you know what the pattern is???? I have the same stemware I bought about 30 at an antique store. I have different sizes. Also I am having a Tea Party for my Birthday April 5th. I would love for you to join me with one of your Tea's this day.