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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Wild Waterfall

For several months now, the faucet in kidlet's bathtub has been leaking. Hubs has kept saying he's going to fix it, but hadn't gotten around to it until yesterday. I had been complaining about it because it went from a small, intermitten drip, to a full-on stream of water that NEVER stopped. But yesterday, he finally went in there and fixed it. No more leaking faucet. Thank you very much. So, later on that evening, kidlet goes in to take her shower and all of a sudden I hear this MASSIVE gush of water coming from the shower, and it's not the sound of a normal shower! She comes running out of the bathroom and yells that the whole faucet blew off. Sure enough, I went in there, and water was shooting straight out across the tub from the cold water faucet. Now, I remember this happening once before, many years ago, and I knew that the valve just needed to be turned off. However, I couldn't get anywhere near the valve because of the shooting waterfall. Hubs wasn't at home, he had school, so it was up to me to figure out what to do. And, I've been sick, so there I am, snot running down my nose, and every time I try to "get to" the valve, I get shot in the face with water. Good thing, since it could wash that snot off. Okay, this isn't going to work. I have to shut the water off from outside. But I know that the valve at the house is froze up and won't do anything. I know it has to be shut off at the street, but I have no clue how to do that. So, I'm in my pajamas with no shoes on, and having been sufficiently wet down by the "waterfall", I decide to go to the next door neighbor's house and ask for help. Totally. Embarrassing! Luckily, the neighbor was home and he got a wrench and turned the water off at the street. Thanking him profusely, I go back inside the house and Instant Message Hubs at class, telling him "EMERGENCY!!!! Ring me up right away!" It was about an hour later before he got my message, and his response was a very calm, "Okay, I'll fix it when I get home." No big deal to him. Of course, what could he do at that point anyhow, right? I supposed he could have run from his class, screaming EMERGENCY as he ran out the door. But, no, just a simple, calm message. So we had to wait, with no running water, until he got home from class, and then wait for him to fix it before turning on the water. Do you know how thirsty one can get, just knowing you can't get a glass of water? Or how many times you will suddenly need to go pee and flush the toilet, which only works once when the water is shut off, then no more flushy for you, baby! But, alas, the faucet got fixed, and we survived, and I got another "incident" to blog about out of it. So I guess all is well. :=)


Cheryl said...

lol.... to funny~

Brenda said...

ok, I'm in tears! THAT was hilarious. Glad you have a good sense of humor about it and hey...more blog fodder to boot!
I remember that happening to us, only my husband forgot to tell me that the showerhead came off while he was showering. When I turned on the shower, it sounded just like a cow peeing on a rock!
Thanks for making my day!

LauraBo said...

I hate it that I'm laughting. tell John I'm sorry but it was funny. :)