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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tablescape Thursday & Tea For Three

Susan, at Between Naps on the Porch, is hosting Tablescape Thursday. Go check out her great blog, and all the other wonderful tablescapes you can find there.
This is the tablescape I used when I had my two high-school friends over for tea. The dishes are Homer Laughlin "Chateau". I made the tablecloth and matching napkins from a remnant found at Joann's. The centerpiece is all silk, purchased for pennies also at Joann's.


Ribbonwood Cottage said...

Good morning this is lovely. I love light blue and your table looks like spring has arrived!!!

Brenda said...

That teapot is gorgeous. I like your menu as well, Yum!

Kathy's Red Door Welcome said...

Very pretty. Happy Tablescape Thursday!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

This is such a light and airy tablescape. It reminds me of brunch! Great job!

Alisa Lucas-Brown said...

What an elegant table you have set for your tea. I love the soft blue and the lace. So timeless! Everything is so beautiful.

Designs on 47th Street said...

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for stopping by and leaving such nice comments. I really appreciate the visit.

I love pink and green together! And that blue! Oh spring is near, isn't it?

Your faux arrangement is gorgeous. That's what I do for a living. ;)


Katy said...

This is seriously gorgeous ... I adore the dishware and the teapot and sugar bowl are perfect. Love how the cups have roses inside. The colors are divine... Thanks for sharing!! ~Katy

Belinda said...

I adore so many vintage Homer Laughlin china patterns, including this gorgeous one. This table is just stunning, the colors are so dreamy and soft, and I clicked to enlarge the photos to get an even closer look...all of the details are so lovely. And how cute are the teapot napkin rings for a tea party?! Love them!

Anonymous said...

Oh your tea table is so sweet and I really love the table setting in your header...beautiful.
Happy scaping to you :0)

Kathleen Ellis said...

Love that vintage china, Brenda! Welcome to TT! Your table looks lovely...and springy!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer said...

Running late this week visiting blogs....again... very pretty table!
Hope you had a great Tablescape Thursday

Cass @ That Old House said...

What a pretty, pretty table! Gorgeous teapot, too!

I really enjoyed this; love the flowers and all the lovely pinks!

I've got a giveaway on my blog right now, if you would like to pop over and see.

Best.... Cass

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Such a pretty tablescape. I love that china-so soft and pretty, and your teapot napkin rings are great! When I see something like your beautiful tablecloth, I wish so much that I could sew. Thanks for coming over to my blog and introducing yourself. I'm glad to have found your blog. laurie

Chandy said...

Lovely table! I love the light blue tablecloth and your dishes are lovely also.

Carolyn of What Now? Tablescapes

Linda Q said...

Very soft and pretty! Also love your tablescape in your blog header, lovely!
Linda Q

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Oh I love this! Those dishes are just gorgeous! Yes, I've had some good luck with remnants at JoAnne's, too! I was looking for pics of your kitties on your sidebar! We have coyotes, too...not many strays around. :-( Have a good weekend...Debbie

Anonymous said...

How beautiful! I love all the softness of your tablescape. Everything is very elegant!
be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

xinex said...

Very pretty, love the center doily. I really like the color, very sweet...Christine

Candy said...

Two pretty tables. Love the blue and the bright Spring time pink and green. Very nice!
Blessings, Candy

Unknown said...

I love your Homer Laughlin dishes. So unique, dainty, sweet and elegant. Beautiful!

Chandy said...

Beautiful choice for today. I love your dishes!

Have a great Thursday!

Teacup Mosaics said...

A beautiful table what lucky friends.

Kathleen said...

Very pretty...so soft..lovely job on the cloth and napkins, too!