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Thursday, September 20, 2007

So, last Saturday at our monthly Women's Fellowship, one of the ladies said to me, "You know, I'm cleaning a lot of stuff out of my front bedroom and I have a corner shelf thing that I need to get rid of. Would you be interested?" I asked her what it looked like and what she described to me sounded like a white metal corner shelf. Then she told me it had a little glass door on the front, so I'm thinking it's probably an old medicine cabinet. I told her to bring it to church the next day. By Sunday, I had forgotten about it. She didn't mention it, and I left before she did. I remembered it Sunday afternoon when we were driving back to church for evening service. I told hubby that I had forgotten to ask her in the morning about it. He said she probably forgot too. O well! Imagine my surprise when we got to church and walked into the Fellowship Hall, sitting on a table, there it was! She had brought it in after I left and left it for me on the table. So, like I said, I was expecting a white metal medicine cabinet and what I got...was this beauty!
And here it is, hung and filled with "treasures". And the teapot on the very top was also a gift from another lady in our church. She had made and painted it just for me! I know it looks like it's hanging crooked, but it really isn't. I'm just not a very good photographer.
Here's the lamp I got a couple of weeks ago at Marshall's. It is so pretty with the big roses around the bottom. I love that it's so "girly"...
I got these jars, the tall one at TJ Max and filled it with roses. The other two came from Michael's, and even with a 40% coupon, I paid almost as much for each of them as the large one from TJM...
This is the top of my craft table and the wall above it...
This is the top of my desk...
All of these pics came out orange-y, but the colors really are a very soft baby pink plus dark pink.
My office/craft room is now completed, except for organizing the closet and the desk/craft table with all my craft supplies. Now maybe I can actually get some stuff done that I've been wanting to do lately!


Unknown said...

Brenda, that cabinet is a treasure!! It's just beautiful. What a wonderful gift, and it looks just perfect in your room. I love your arrangement there below it. That lamp from Marshall's with the big foofy roses is just adorable, and I LOVE the glass jars!

Thanks for remembering and asking about naptime--unfortunately, things on the sleep front are not getting any better. Last night she was awake until about 10:30 and then was up again this morning at 4:55 a.m.!!!! I got her back to sleep only to have her wake up exactly one hour later. And for some reason I was unable to go back to sleep during that hour either so I am one tired Mama right now!

Esther said...

That cabinet sure is a beauty. You couldn't have gone shopping and found one any better huh?

Your "room" sure looks like a real "girl's room."

CG said...

I want some of those jars!

Cheryl said...

lol...I know you were not "hinting" for it. I would not have offered if I thought you were! :-P Anywho, its yours if you want it.
Now missy... is that cabinet an antique? It is a very well built piece. I was reading along thinking it was you know... a freebie/piece of junk lol. Thats a beaut!

Esther said...

You should be proud of me, I blogged today and will give it a go again. #1 P 2 #2 P. WRJ2M

Cheryl said...

Poke-poke... there is a fun swap going on, (today is the last day to sign up) check it out here----> http://sweetgoodnessswaps.blogspot.com/index.html ~Cheryl

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

OK, you and my mother soooooooo have to get together. These pictures look JUST like her bedroom. I think you must have been separated at birth! Know a JoAnne? Originally from Virginia? Seriously... :-)