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Friday, June 22, 2007

Friday's Fun Finds

So today I got up early and went to two estate sales that were advertised in the Pennysaver. The first one was advertised as "Huge Estate Sale: Thousands of depression glass, antiques, collectibles" So I was all primed for a great sale. When I got there it was a garage sale at an apartment. There were a couple of antiques and some depression glass, but a VERY far stretch from being in the thousands as had been advertised. Spent about 10 minutes and no money there.
Off to the second sale. It too had been advertised as a huge estate sale with many antiques. When I got there, it was again a garage sale, and a very small one at that. The only antiques that were there were the people holding the sale. I did see a really pretty tea cart, but when I asked the price, they told me it was already sold. So I browsed for few minutes and finally decided on this candle holder. I paid a whopping $2 bucks for it. Wow, I really am a big spender, huh!

So for an hour's worth of time and $2 buckeroos of my money, I guess it was an okay morning. Then I came home and waited 'til 9 a.m. for Michael's to open. I went there to buy some periwinkle tulle for the wedding shower. I had a 40% coupon so I paid only $3 for 25 yards. Then I saw some garlands with periwinkle morning glories that were priced $9.99 each, but they were under a sign that said 50% off. So I was willing to pay $5 bucks each for them. But when I got to the register to pay, they were only $2.99 each, so I ran back and got another one (3 total). So for another 30 minutes of my time and $12 more of my hard-saved dollars, I got more "stuff". You know, I always need more "stuff". Now to just find a place to put all that "stuff". Right now it's in a pile in the middle of the livingroom floor. But #1 kid is moving out in a couple of days (that's a whole other story), and I'm taking over her room. Then I plan to get all nice and organized and find places for all my "stuff". Hooray!!!
P.S. Oh, yea, Jeanie (spelling?), I haven't made anymore of the cupcakes yet, because I keep forgetting to go to Home Depot to buy more spackle. Cheryl over at Artsy-Fartsy (don't ya just love that name?) suggested trying joint compound for the frosting, too. As soon as I get a batch to come out right, I'll post pics and let you know exactly how I did it. :-)


Becky said...

these estate sales sound like fun! How do you find out about them? What have you found at them?

Mary L. Briggs said...

Hi Brenda, it looks like you had a very successful morning! That is a neat old candle holder you bought for $2! The deals at Michaels sound good too. I'm about 11/2 from a Michaels so I don't get to go very often. Thanks for visiting my blog. You have a very nice one and I've enjoyed browsing around it!

Jean Knee said...

Hey what happened to that perky polka dotted back ground?