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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Just Blow My Brains Out, Please!

O, did anyone go to the sale at Joann's last week/weekend? I went early in the week and was going to buy some fabric to make tablecloths for an upcoming dinner party I'm hosting. I picked out the fabric, then couldn't decide if I wanted to use the idea I had or not, so I put it back and thought I'd wait til later in the week. I was busy all week, so on Saturday (last day of the 50% off sale) I decided I'd better go get the fabric. Oh. My. Goodness, what a zoo. First of all I couldn't find a place to park, which should have been my first clue. Once inside the store, I headed straight for the fabric dept. There were so many people waiting to have fabric cut that I decided to take a number and then shop around the store. Good thing, even after I chose my fabric and looked around for a while, I still stood in line for 1/2 hour before my number was finally called and I could get my fabric cut.
Next, I went to the floral dept. and chose some silk flowers. Then I proceeded to the register to check out. Another long line, although not quite as bad as the first line. Finally it was my turn to check out. The lady at the reigster was very nice, and we chatted as she rang my purchases. After she totalled it, and I paid, it occurred to me that it was way more than I had anticipated. So I questioned it. Sure enough, she had charged me three times as much for the fabric as it was supposed to be. So she was trying to figure out how much to refund to me. I DO NOT KNOW what in the world was going thru that woman's mind, or how she learned to do math, but I was so confused I just wanted to blow my brains out. To me, it was a simple thing - just void the purchase and start over, this time charging the correct price for the fabric. I must have been there in that line for another 30 minutes, watching her write number after number on a piece of paper, none of them making sense or coming to the correct amount. Finally, a manager came up to the register, and handed me $5 bucks and some change, and asked if that was the correct amount I was owed for the overcharge. I said yes, I think so, and so she said to me that if I was happy with that amount, they were happy with it, too. So I took the money and left. I actually think I was owed a little bit more, but at that point, I said to myself that it's just not worth it. Even if it were a hundred dollars owed to me, I think it just was not worth the hassle. By the time I fought excessively heavy traffic to get home, I just walked in the house and told hubs, "Could you please just shoot me and put me out of my misery? Thanks, honey."
Later that evening I went to the grocery store to buy some pantyhose for church the next day. One little item - that's all! Every single register was a long line of people buying LOTS of groceries. I chose the shortest line, which had two people in front of me. The person at the front of the line was about to pay, when they noticed something wrong with their price total. Could this have been any better "payback" to me for what I had caused at the fabric store a few hours earlier? I just leaned back against the counter and said under my breath, "Could someone please just blow my brains out?"


Brenda said...

Sounds like you got it all in one day. Hopefully, now, stuff like that won't happen for awhile!
Have a great Sunday!
Brenda :)

Cheryl said...

lol.... sorry, but that just made me laugh. Maybe this was just a suttle way of telling you to slow down? I always look for a hidden message in things/situations..... yes, I think your just needing to slow down a bit :-P Who knew I would have such wisdom at the tender age of 44 lol