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Monday, October 8, 2007

Wedding Woes!

This past Saturday, I was the wedding coordinator for a wedding at my church. It was, how would one put it, different, to say the least. I was asked on Friday to put up some decorations. Quote: "If you have any flowers or anything, just throw them out there". Our church does have a wedding arch and white tuelle for draping from the pews along the center aisle. But I had no decorations for the arch, nor did I have any kind of color scheme information from the bride or groom. I was told that there would be only one attendant each for the bride and groom, and I knew that this wouldn't be a really formal wedding, so I put up the arch and went to Michaels' for some white silk florals and did these three arrangements for it.
This is the floral spray I did for the top of the wedding arch.
I made these little bouquets and put them on each side of the arch.
Here's the arch and surrounding greenery once I got it all decorated.
We have a lot of silk trees and plants in the church, so I pulled them around the arch and lit the trees with white mini christmas lights. It actually came together and looked pretty good. O, and when the groom arrived 20 minutes before the wedding time, he handed me a unity candle set, with one fat candle for the center and 2 tapers for the sides. I didn't know they were going to have it, and so at the very last minute we had to move the communion table up onto the stage and then I had to find candle holders for the candles. I was a bit flustered at this point, but, okay, this wasn't a major thing, so I could roll with it. Got it all set up and now we're ready to begin the wedding. Except, the bride hasn't arrived yet. She ended up being almost an hour late. Guests who had been there since about 15 minutes before the original start time were beginning to get very restless. Children were running amuck, and by this time, I was getting very upset. I was also informed at the last minute that there would be one person added to the bridal party. Okay, it's their wedding, if that's what they want, okay. Again, not that big of a deal, so I can deal. Finally the bride arrived, and we're ready to begin the wedding. As I'm opening the doors to the sanctuary to start the wedding party down the aisle, the bride's teenage daughter decideds that she wants to be in the wedding, too. So she and the extra "matron of honor" walked down the aisle together. So there ended up being a maid of honor and best man, a matron of honor, and a bridesmaid.
Well, finally we got everyone down the aisle, the ceremony was concluded, they took some pics and finally everyone was out of there! What a day! Here's a pic of the bride and groom...


Jean Knee said...

you got that stuff together fast.
I would have been a wreck. I guess the couple wasn't too into planning ahead.
It all looked like you'd spent weeks on it.

Becky said...

You did a great job! You are awesome!

Jean Knee said...


she has a bunch of templates to choose from

I want my polka dots back

it will erase the pictures on your sidebar, so save them, but it wont mess with your links

Cheryl said...

You did a fabulous job Brenda :-) Your very creative~ and fast on your feet! lol

Esther said...

I see you did it! Your new blog page is so cute. You are getting so smart with this blogging. I guess if I worked at mine like you had I would be a "little" sharper with it. I'll have to see what I can do about that! U R 2 S

Jean Knee said...

new look is nice, Brenda.

now, get to work on another partay!

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

No. Way. My two friends who help plan weddings/do invites/photography/etc. would have been horrified. An hour late to your own wedding? That has to say something. I, personally, wouldn't have been as cool as you were. Good on ya!

Rebecca said...

Wow! Weddings can be so crazy. :) I think your arch looks lovely!

Thank you for "de-lurking" at my blog. I think your idea of using the crackers for invites is so cute! I may have to steal that. ;)
