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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Feline Acne

That's right, folks, Feline Acne...or the Case of The Cat With A Fat Lip! Who has ever heard of Feline Acne before? Certainly not me. But the other night my cat, George, who is a big goober anyhow, looked like he was sticking his tongue out at me. I thought, o, how cute he looks. Upon closer inspection, though, I realized that it was not his tongue sticking out, but his bottom lip. I held him down and pried his mouth open and it was, indeed, red and swollen, and even a little "puss-ish" (that's puss, as in the nasty stuff that oozes out of an infected sore, not puss, as in cat. Just thought I'd throw that in for good measure.) Anyhow, I figured one of the other cats had probably nabbed him with their claw to make him leave them alone, and that it had probably just gotten infected. So, I held him down again, put some hydrogen peroxide on a q-tip, and cleaned it. Next day, it was a little bit worse. So, I cleaned it with the peroxide again. Yesterday, it was still getting bigger and by then, he was starting to look like one of those Ubangies in Africa who put bones in their lips to make them jut out like a bowl under their mouth. Well, maybe not quite that bad, but it ws starting to concern me that it was more than just a scratch. So this morning, I called the Vet and took him in. The doctor took one look at him and said he has Feline Acne. And, it's not curable. Managable, but not curable. So, doctor gave him a shot, and a prescription of steroid tablets that I have to give him every day for a week, then every other day for a month. And, doctor said that it will probably flare up at least every few months, if not immediately after finishing the steroid prescription. He told me, "We're going to become very good friends over the course of the cat's life." The cat is just 2 years old, and my last cat lived for 17 years. O, and by the way, don't cats have 9 lives? So if their life expectancy is somewhere between 15 and 20 years, and they have 9 lives, wow, I can't even do the math right now, but I'm quite sure I won't be around long enough to outlive him! Here's what he looks like: I feel sorry for him. My little Boy George.


Cheryl said...

Hiya Brenda~ I used hot glue to hold the glass in place before grouting. You should try it, it is very easy. The pre-mixed grout only cost around $7 bucks (home depot)just make sure to wash the white film the grout leaves off completely (that takes the longest to do lol)I am thinking of grouting some old dishes (once I buy some) onto a little table next :-)I am going to cover the plates with contact paper... then smash up the plates... then hopefully place them so they "look" like plates on the table.

So poor George has Feline acne huh? Poor little cutie-pie. There is several things you can do to help prevent further outbreaks (besides the medications) You could wash his little chin several times a day with anti-bacterial scrubs like chlorhexidine. Wash his little chin after he is done eating and use only metal or glass dishes and wash them often. Your wanting to keep as much bacteria as possible off his chin.. I would even wash his chin after he was done licking himself lol. Prevention is way cheaper than treatment :-)~Cheryl

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

My cat had feline acne but his didn't cause swelling. He literally had little, pussy blackheads on his chin and neck. And I'd pop them, sicko that I am. Poor cat...