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Friday, February 1, 2008

Motherboard Mayhem!

Well, in my last post, I told you all about how my computer had crashed and burned. Well, it apparently really did "burn". No smoke and flames or anything that drastic, but the motherboard actually did "fry", we think. About a month ago, our electricity went off on a Sunday morning at about 7-ish. My computer had not been turned on since the previous night. I teased Hubs about forgetting to pay the electric bill, but when he called the power company they said there was a blown one of those thingys that send power to whole areas, I can't think of the name of it right now. But anyhow, we went to church that morning with the power still off when we left the house. When we came home a couple of hours later, the electricity had been restored and all seemed to be fine, but the odd thing was that my computer was running. Now remember, it was not turned on when we left the house. I thought that was a really strange thing to have happened, but there didn't seem to be any problem so I didn't think anything else about it. The next day I realized that the time was wrong. So I proceeded to change the time, but the clock was not running. Hubs and I both played with it for a couple of hours. He kept telling me the clock's battery must have gone bad. Whatever, it made no sense to me, but then what do I know? I know about as much about a computer as I do about nuclear physics, so you get my point. Well, I kept trying different things and finally, still not knowing how, I got the clock to work right. And there have been not problems since...until, da da da da, Wednesday! And you already know the rest of the story from there. So, here it is Friday. For the past three days I've been using my laptop, a very old laptop that sports Windows 98, and it refuses to let me do all the things I'm used to doing on my computer. It will let me go to my blog, but can't go to anyone else who's on my list on the sidebar. Won't let me go to the comments on anyone's, and I have been able to read a couple of your blogs because I can remember the addy from my head, but some of your blogs that I read every day, it won't let me go to at all! Driving me freakin' crazy! I go there, and it just freezes up and I have to shut the whole stupid computer down cause it won't even let me just close that page. Today though, arrived via FedEx, a brand new motherboard and Hubs installed it and is in the process of reinstalling all my programs. He is having a little bit of a problem though, so tonight he took it with him to his computer repair class and will seek advice from his instructor. He even put more RAM in it, so now I can save lots more data to not back up and potentially lose again! Ha! Bite my tongue to even think such a thing. He says by tomorrow I should be all back up and running and I won't have to use that laptop anymore! Then I will be able to catch up on what everyone has been up to for the past several days and get back to the land of the bloggies! TTNT, :)


Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

Awwww, what a sweet hubbie! I hope you're able to get back on-line completely and re-enter the blog-verse with little or no trouble.

Computers... the bane of humanity, I tell you!