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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

It's A "Bah, humbug!" Sort of Day

Well, here it is, only 6 days before Christmas and I'm totally not ready for it to happen at all this year. It's not just a "Bah, Humbug!" sort of day, but it's been like that since Thanksgiving, which is when I normally kick into high gear and start the Christmas decorations and baking and shopping. Normally I decorate the entire house, inside and out, bake dozens of cookies, plan an elaborate dinner for Christmas day and wrap all the gifts in color-coordinated papers and ribbons and embellishments. Well, this year, none of that is happening. Today I put up a silver table-top tree with pink and blue decorations on it. My kid came home from school and said it looked like a baby shower tree. In all of my nearly 28 years of marriage, I have always had a tall green tree. In the early years we used to get a real tree, but for about the last 10 or 12 years I finally resorted to going artificial, although still green and full height of at least 7 feet. I shot my wad, so to speak, on our church Women's Ministries annual Christmas party. I planned the decorations for that for about the last 3 months now, and it all came together and turned out beautifully this past Saturday nite. So, for me, that was my big Christmas "hurrah", and at home, all we're getting is this little thing.
To me it looks like a Charlie Brown tree. At least it has some handmade ornaments on it that made probably about 15 years ago, and the silver tree, although brand new, is vintage looking. I remember as a kid my mother would always have a silver tree like this and I always hated it. It would get one color of bulbs on it (royal blue) and have one of those color wheels spinning four different colors on it as it went around. I always wanted to have a green tree, but we always had that silver thing. I suppose that's why when I got married I insisted that we have a green tree. Maybe instead of feeling "Bah, humbug!" this year, I'm feeling a little nostalgic. Nah, it's still "Bah Humbug!"


Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

Hey, you know? Don't worry about it. I finally put up our tree. See, I'm all about the flocked, live tree, 7 feet tall, all decked out, the Sunday after Thanksgiving.

This year? 6 foot artificial one week before Christmas.

Trailing after three kids does that to a woman... Ah well.

Cheryl said...

Your going about it all wrong Brenda. This is what you say, "Well maybe next year I could get some help with all the decorating, (lift a hankie to your eye) its just so much for one person... (insert a little wimper here)

Also, for the comment about your little tree looking like a "baby" tree...tell 'em its a "BABY JESUS" tree thank you very much! ~Cheryl :-P

Jean Knee said...

I like the small tabletop trees. I had one year before last but Lean has claimed it for her room.

We had a silver tree with orangey gold balls on it. The cat would climb it, knock it over amd break the balls while my mom screeched.

Later we had a fake green tree, the kind where the branches looked like giant pipe cleaners

thanks for the memories