Wow, I feel special! I've been tagged by Eileen to list 7 random things about myself. I've been giving this some thought and it's going to be harder than you might think to come up with 7 random things about myself. But, okay, here goes:
1. This is the first time I've ever been tagged by anyone since entering the blogging world, so I really do feel special that Eileen picked me to play along. Thanks, Eileen!
2. I am a member of the Choctaw Indian Tribe of southeastern Oklahoma. (Hubs said I should put this on the list.)
3. Like Eileen, I love to shop at Michael's. They lure me in every week with those coupons, and since I've found out that I can use Joann's coupons at Michael's and vice-versa, I'm there more than ever.
4. I eat ketchup on my grilled cheese sandwiches. Does anyone else do that? Hubs said I'm the only "weirdo" who would do such a thing (this from a person who doesn't eat ketchup on hamburgers - what's up with that?).
5. I've never been to the Grand Canyon.
6. My favorite color is pink, along with apple green.
7. I can't think of anything else to write! ha!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Posted by B at 1:31 PM 5 comments
My Mundane-ness
So, I was looking at my blog and realized I haven't posted for almost 2 weeks now. I've been neglecting my pretty little blog, and after I made such a big deal about making my new header. Go figure!
Well, the reason for my blog neglect is because I've been busy. I've been making things for our women's meetings at church. Here's what I've been doing:
Been sewing chair covers for the folding chairs (because Artsy-Fartsy Cheryl pointed out how pretty our decorations are, but how bad those folding chairs look, so been making these covers.)
Made these "Napkin Thingys".
Re-did these toparies.
I've also been "torn away" from blogging by my lust for cooking shows on the Food Network. Ever since we got cable tv and I discovered the Food Network, I seem to spend way too many hours of every day watching the likes of Rachel Ray, Bobby Flay, Emeril, Paula Deen, and many more. Plus, twice a week, I've been doing an online course for operating a catering business.
So, there you have, folks, the mundane-ness (if that's even a real word) of my, er, um, exciting(?) life! I know you're all so glad I shared all of that with you.
O, and I've been tagged by Eileen to list 7 random things about myself. So I'll do that in another post.
TTFN people! :)
Posted by B at 12:38 PM 3 comments
Thursday, April 3, 2008
I Did It!
So, I was lurking on Heidi's blog at Vacuuming In High Heels And Pearls, when I came upon a site she found with pics to change your blog header. I have tried in the past but never could figure out how to change my header. So I popped over to the site and got directions. Turns out I figured out how to actually use my own pics for putting on my header, AND, I figured out how to actually change the header! I realize that for most of you out there in bloggerland that this is no big deal to you, but for me it is a VERY BIG THING! I've been wanting to "personalize" my blog ever since I started it, and still have not been able to do much except use pre-made templates from Blogger or Pizam. But now that I can change the header, maybe I can actually figure out how to change the rest of the template. (Well, one can dream, can't they? lol) If anyone out there knows how to change the template, and can put it in terms that a computer-challenged nerd like me can understand, please share. It would make me so happy - :).
I guess that's about all for today, unless I manage to get some changes made. Lemme know what ya'll think, okay. TTFN
Posted by B at 10:20 AM 12 comments